Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Again I Shall Shine

Rain from my soul

Cleanses my heart.

Within myself,

The storms are welcomed.

I am the weatherwoman

And the forecast is bleak.

After the weather,

The birds will soar.

I know the winds,

The currents,

The gales.

I know the rain,

The torrents,

The floods.

Tragedy has struck.

But, as always –

Out comes the sun,

The life-star, my


As with the weather,

Again I will live.

Only now the calm

Will be longer and

The storm short-lived.


I Am New

The tears come more often now.

The pain – not as much.

The reason?

I am healing.

I am healing –

From a wound not caused by anyone.

From no wound self-inflicted.

The reason?

I am healing.

I am healing –

From my own insanity.

From my own self-doubt.

The wound?

Caused by me.

The tears come to me in joy.

They come to me welcomed.

The reason?

I have healed myself.


Control of Myself

In time, happiness

Will come to me.

Time is mine to bide.

I wait for myself

To realize that I

Am the master, I

Decide when I will

Be happy.

Solace is a gift to myself

From the shallow

Depths of my sanity.

I wait for myself

To know that I

Am the master, I

Decided when to dole

Myself the gift.

I am the master of

My soul; of my

Feelings; of me.

I wait for myself

To overcome what

I have forbidden: to

Be the master and

In control.


Love Me Not

Because I love you

I will let myself

Be free from you,

Let you be free of me.

Because I love you

I will free myself

From what I’ve caused,

From what you do.

Because I love you

I will let you be

To be free of your conscience,

To allow you life anew.

Because I love you

I wish you love

For someone but me.

Please, love me not.


Je Perdu Vous

The sun sets,

The moon rises,

The tides ebb and flow.

You came to me,

I went to you,

Our souls we shared.

Time passes,

Moments linger,

Seasons wait for us.

In nature life grows,

In life time moves,

In time, we change.

Within our time

We found ourselves

We found each other.

As time seeps past

You move closer away

I move further apart.

Without the time

We lost ourselves

Je perdu vous.


You Loved Me

After seeing my pain

And the tumult in my heart,

Your change for me was

The only way I knew.

When I shared my pain

And the tumult in my heart,

You changed the way you

Held me, and I knew.

When finally you knew my pain

And the tumult in my heart,

You spoke to me, touched me,

Soothed me differently.

And I knew.




Emotional Drain

Hateful love

Mindful hate

Helpful mind

To lead me to

Your apathy of

Heart only to

Be hurt by

My own



Forward Sanity

All the better

To not strain emotions.

Reveal your thoughts

To me and I’ll

Understand then move on.

Movement in one

Direction keeps me

From being hurt.

Pain is the result

Of a void in time

Where movement has

Ceased and a

Standstill has taken

Over my mien.

Sanity remains my

Only ally in movement.

Cessation of movement

Creates a stopping point

For my sanity to get

Away from me.

Emotions take over

And leave me



Won't We Be

Throughout time

hearts acquire thought.

Always thinking

Continually feeling the thoughts of what

Is to become.

Throughout time

Minds acquire emotions.

Always sensing

Continually mulling over

Emotions of what

May never be.

Throughout time

Emotions acquire differences.

Always changing

Continually leading one

Through what

Will never be.


Master the Staff

Two souls dancing closer apart

Met with one timing right

One wrong convinced

Longing to end the notes

And the dance to be done

To answer to the conductor.

When the nocturne is finished

And away are the pieces

To clear the stage

Begins the composition of anew

To combine the metronomes

And correct the timing

To master the staff

And clef the emotion

In finale, to bring the hearts to key.
